Ref No | MS 30 |
Alt Ref No | A.1.13 |
Title | Petrus Lombardus In Psalterium |
Description | Peter Lombard, Comm. in Psalterium ('Magna Glossa’). Ff.1-268v. '(Prols.) Cum omnes prophetas . . . ; Incipit liber ympnarum uel soliloquiorum, prophecia de Christo. Liber dicit et non libri . . . ; (Glo.) Beatus cui omnia optata succedunt . . . Vite eteme uox est. Omnis spiritus laudet dominum. EXPLICIT HIC PETRI GLOSARUM META MAGISTRI'. Steg. 6637; PL 191. 55-1296. |
Author | Lombard, Peter |
Date | 13th century |
Physical Description | Binding: As for MS 15; D.Cockerell & Son, 1936. A parchment leaf at each end. On the spine, gilt: PETER OF LOMBARD: GLOSS ON PSALTER / 30. A faint mark perhaps from a chain-staple near the foot of f.1. Construction: 268 parchment leaves, 395 x 280 (240 x 170) mm., pencil-ruled in 2 cols of c.40-50 gloss-lines. Written above the top line. The text is given twice: separately from the gloss, in large script on every second line (here in blocks the whole width of each col.), and as lemmata in the gloss. Collation: The quires numbered, in roman numerals, at the foot of the last verso. The original quire 24 (after f.181) is missing. Hands: Written throughout in one good English book-hand. Decoration: (1) Four major initials in colours and gold (probably of an original 10), very fine work in late Channel Style, on square grounds edged with green: f.2v B to open the gloss in blue and orange enclosing foliage on gold, all on a pink ground; f. 96v (Ps. 51) Q with tyrant clad in blue, brandishing a sword in his right hand, holding a tonsured, severed head in his left, behind him a slain body with tonsure, on gold, all on a pink ground; f.97v (Ps. 52) D with ark and two cherubim; beneath is a half-length bearded figure looking up, in gold, all on a blue ground; f.202a (Ps. 109) D with David seated on the left, holding a sceptre in his right hand and a model of the temple in his left; on the right the Lord seated, crowning David with his right hand, in his left a book, beneath his feet a dragon; in the top left-hand corner a 'white lion', all on an embossed gold square ground. Major initials to Pss.1 (f.1) and 38 (f.74v) excised; initials to Pss. 26, 38, 68, 80 lost with excised leaves. (3) Other Psalms and sections of text and gloss open with red or blue initials flourished in the other colour. Lemmata underlined in red. |
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Repository | Lincoln Cathedral Library |
Language | Latin |
Collation | 1-5⁸, 6⁸ (lacks 8), 7-15⁸, 16⁸ (lacks 5), 17-19⁸, 20⁸ (lacks 4), 21⁸, 22⁸ (lacks 1), 23-34⁸. The quires numbered, in roman numerals, at the foot of the last verso. The original quire 24 (after f.181) is missing. |
Notes | Sec. fol. (mutil., but reconstructed from the text on f.1v ut per Balaam. History: On f.2v, in a large, handsome 14th-cent. textura ornamented with pen-work grotesques, 'Memoriale Thome de Hunesdone quondam uicarii de Gorlestone. Qui alienauerit anathema sit'. On f.268v, in the same or a very similar hand, is: 'Est liber iste meus nomen michi [Bartholomeus] / Qui mea furatur anathemate percuciatur / Vindicat ira Dei res raptas [Bartholomei]'. The bracketed names have been erased, but are legible under ultra-violet light. Cf. the now largely destroyed 'Douai Psalter' (Douai, Bibl. Mun. 171), made between March 1322 and July 1325. On f.1, in a large, formal hand like that of the text, is 'Psalterium dompni Iohannis abbatis ex dono domini Thome uicarii de Gorlestone', the abbot conjectured to be John of Aylesham, abbot of Hulme (1325-1346); S.C. Cockerell, The Gorleston Psalter (London, 1907), p.3. Wren Cat. A. 3; Garvey C 2. 1; Apthorp, p.283; Woolley, pp.16-17. Probably already in the 17th cent. (as the description in Wren Cat. suggests), and certainly by 1700, as recorded by Thomas Tanner (BL Add. 6261, f.143), MSS 30 and 30A were bound together. They were parted at the latest rebinding. |